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副学士学位是你职业生涯中有价值的垫脚石. There are many reasons—from cost to time commitment—that urge people to get their associate degree before jumping into a bachelor’s degree program.

然而, 如果你的长期目标是获得学士学位, 你要确保时间, 副学士学位的努力和成本是值得的. It all comes down to whether your associate degree will transfer to the bachelor’s degree program of your choice. 因为转学学分是根据学校而定的, 并不是所有的州都保证转学副学士学位, 做家庭作业是值得的. 


5 Factors That Determine If You Can Apply Your 联系 Degree Toward a Bachelor’s Degree



而一些副学士学位是为特定的技术或职业生涯而设计的, 另一些则是作为获得学士学位的基础. If your associate degree is fully accepted you will earn approximately 65 credits toward your bachelor’s degree and enter at a junior-level standing.


Accelerate your completion time and lower your total tuition cost 在每个学术水平上. 下载这个免费指南的提示,最大限度地提高你的转移学分.


然而, the transfer of your associate degree may not be guaranteed and the number of credits accepted may vary by institution.

Keep these 5 factors in mind to help determine how effectively your associate degree will transfer: 

  1. 你想要获得学位的州. 目前,有30个州在全州范围内保证转学副学士学位. This policy guarantees students who earn an associate degree before transferring to a four-year institution can transfer all of their credits. The majority of policies state that students are not required to complete any further general education courses. 看看你所在的州是否保证你的副学士学位可以转学.
  2. 你想要就读的四年制大学的“转学友好”. 简单地说,有些大学比其他大学更容易转学分. 虽然有些大学更喜欢你在他们的机构里花钱获得学分, 其他人则张开双臂欢迎信用转移. For example, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行 accepts up to 94 transfer credits toward a bachelor’s degree. 这意味着你可以最大化地获得副学士学位, 加上更多的, 达到75%的学士学位要求.
  3. 副学士学位课程的认证状态. 程序-level accreditation through a well-known and respected accrediting body can make it easier for your credits to transfer. Since the associate degree is proven to adhere to high standards that align with bachelor’s degree requirements, 这些学分可以转化为满足更多的主要要求.
  4. 副学士学位和学士学位要求的相似性. 如果你改变了你的学习领域, 你的副学士学位的更多学分可以用于选修课程, 而不是核对必修专业课程. 通过及早确定你的研究领域, you can prioritize taking classes that will put you further ahead in accomplishing your bachelor’s degree.
  5. 不管你是否完成你的副学士学位. 完成你的学位将对你大有好处. If your state has a degree transfer guarantee, it will ensure all of your credits transfer. If not, each course may be subject to scrutiny and may not result in maximized transfer credit.



Colleges have dedicated transfer credit departments that determine the number of transfer credit hours you receive and the course equivalencies between the two institutions.

当转学分部门看你的副学士学位时, 他们是这样评估转学分的:

  • 查看课程描述,确保有显著的相似性 between the courses you took to earn your associate degree and the courses required to earn a bachelor’s degree at their college. 如果不能从描述中收集到足够的信息, 系里会联系你的副项目来获取课程大纲.
  • 确定哪些课程计入通识教育、专业和选修要求. 一般来说,所有通识教育的要求都能在副学士学位课程中得到满足. 主修课程要求的转学分往往变化最大.
  • 明确转学学分总数、剩余学分和必修课程 获得学士学位. 对于接受副学士学位所有学分的大学, you will typically only need to complete two additional years of full-time coursework to fulfill the requirements for a bachelor’s degree.

然而,一些机构在最大限度地提高转移信贷方面走得更远. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行 offers one-on-one transfer credit support from the time you start researching associate degrees. The transfer credit department can help you proactively find an associate degree program that transfers in full, as well as bridge courses that can be completed at a community college to meet major requirements at Franklin. 

十大正规赌博平台大全排行有 与社区大学建立3+1伙伴关系 that allow you to complete 3 years of study at your community college and one year at Franklin, 哪一种可以节省学士学位总费用的40%.

通过找到合适的学院或大学, 你可以先获得副学士学位的全部好处.

4 Benefits of Getting an 联系 Degree Before Transferring to a Bachelor’s Degree 程序

There are many benefits to earning your associate degree before pursuing a bachelor’s degree. Many of these benefits depend on your personal circumstances and which degree is the best fit for your needs as a student. 


  1. 节省学费. 获得副学士学位的最大好处是节省成本. If you earn your associate degree at a community college, you can save a significant amount of money. 根据 国家教育统计中心, 在最新的2017-2018年全年数据中, 两年制大学的平均年学费是10美元,704. 相比之下,平均价格为27美元,四年制大学357人, and you can experience significant savings by completing an associate degree before your bachelor’s.
  2. 探索不同的学习领域. 如果你不确定你想主修什么, 副学士学位可以提供一种低成本的方式来探索不同的可能性. 一些社区大学也提供职业见习, which can provide a tangible way to experience the day-to-day responsibilities of different jobs. 即使你决定在本科阶段攻读不同的专业, 你的副学士课程通常可以转换为通识教育或选修学分.  
  3. 快速开始你的职业生涯. 也许你现在还不能接受一个4年的学位. An associate degree can provide a launchpad for your career by helping you qualify for new positions. 根据 劳工统计局(BLS), employment in associate and postsecondary nondegree-level occupations is projected to grow 11 percent from 2016 to 2026, 高于所有职业7%的平均预期. 
  4. 增加收入潜力. 根据 到劳工统计局, 拥有高中文凭的人每周的平均收入为746美元, 而拥有副学士学位的专业人士的预期年薪为887美元. 这一收入增长相当于每年增加约7,332美元. 如果你有学士学位,你可以期待另一个显著的增长, to $1,每周248元, 这就是为什么许多副学士学位持有者继续获得学士学位的原因吗.


最大限度地提高转学学分的第一条建议是什么? 尽早做好计划.

  • Research community colleges that have partnerships with four-year programs and can guarantee credits will transfer. 
  • Connect with transfer credit departments at your desired 4-year institution early in the process because they can help create a roadmap for success.
  • Choose a bachelor’s degree you want to earn and match those requirements to substantially similar courses offered at your community college.
  • 找一所能做到的四年制大学 接受各种各样的转换学分-不限于以前的大学课程-包括专业学分, 军事信用或测试信用.


十大正规赌博平台大全排行’s goal is to help maximize your transfer credit to save you time and money in earning your bachelor’s degree. 在十大正规赌博平台大全排行, you can finish faster by applying up to 94 credit hours of previously earned college credit to your bachelor’s degree. Plus, our transfer-friendly process makes it simple and seamless to evaluate your eligibility. 

了解更多有关 十大正规赌博平台大全排行的学分转换程序 以及十大正规赌博平台大全排行如何帮助你实现成为学士学位毕业生的目标.

了解你需要知道的五件事, 在每个学术水平上, to make the most of your transfer credit – including credits from technical/community college and military training.